Koronavirus Thaimaa

Rokotetuilla matkustajilla on oltava seuraavat asiakirjat päästäkseen Thaimaahan: Voimassa oleva passi. Todistus koronarokotuksesta Kaikkien yli 18-vuotiaiden tulee olla täysin rokotettuja viimeistään 14 päivää ennen matkaa. 5-17-vuotiaat ilman huoltajaa matkustavat on rokotettava kerran viimeistään 14 päivää ennen matkaa. Vanhempien kanssa matkustavat ovat...
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Currently the travelling to Thailand is still a bit complicated procedure called as the "sandbox" project. However, the Tourism Authority of Thailand has given out information that in October-November they would slowly move back to normal entry-procedures to Thailand. We...
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Currently Thailand is experiencing a mild 3rd wave of Covid-19 that as the cases started to increase in April 2021. However, when comparing to most other countries the number of infections and/or deaths remain very low. REOPENING PHUKET - 1 JULY 2021...
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Currently Thailand is experiencing a mild 2nd wave of Covid-19 pandemic and has tighten the domestic travelling rules. However, when comparing to any other country the number of infections and/or deaths remain as on of the best in the world....
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1. Is it safe in Thailand at the moment?Yes. No less safe than usual and certainly there has been no civil unrest that would make you ponder your personal safety beyond the usual precautions you would take anywhere in the...
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